Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Loan Mod, B of A, and Fridge

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1. I called B of A this morning to try and find out where our loan modification is at. I applied Wednesday December 9th. At that time I was told it could take UP TO 45 days to receive word back from them. When I called this am the woman told me she could do nothing for me since it had not been 45 business days. It has been only 28 business days. According to my calculations I can call back again on the 11th of February if I have not heard anything. At that point in time I am supposed to call back in to the bank and I will be put on the expedited list.

Now when I first called I was under the impression that we would be done with this process in 45 days and now I'm told the 45 days is something like a holding bin where all good homeowners are told to continue making payments or else you will not be able to get a loan modification. Then after the 45 days you move into another 'expedited' holding bin. I'm not sure, the woman wouldn't tell me what happens or what the time frame is after the 45 days. It could take another 6 months to finalize a loan modification. No wonder so many people are just walking away. This process is ridiculous. It shouldn't be that hard to look at my bank statements, take my payments down to 33% of my income and write up a new contract. If it is that hard then I suggest that Bank of America and all other banks hire a few extra people with their bailout money to process these applications. It would be money well spent.

Also this is a juicy little tidbit. There is no direct phone number to the loan modification department. I asked and they couldn't give me one. You have to call the general customer service, wait for five minutes to talk to someone who will then transfer you to the MHA department where you will wait another 5-10 minutes waiting to talk to someone. Very shady if you ask me. If I've filled out the application and I'm in the middle of the process the very least they could do is give me a direct line to that department. I suppose it's like that to deter people from calling. What B of A doesn't know is that I've got nothing but time and I'll ride their asses to the very end of this process.

2. The roof. We got our first check for the roof last Thursday. There is now a pile of pallets and shingles in front driveway. The only problem is that currently they are covered by a foot of snow and by Friday they should be covered with 3-4 feet of snow. It's putting a real glitch in actually getting guys on the roof. Till next week on that one.

3. I'm not in the mood to update Fridge. Writing all the bull crap above has made me cranky. It's a snow day and there are 5 children running around wild in my house and I don't think I can leave them unsupervised much longer.

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