Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Watch out for your Sweater Puppies

So yesterday I'm at the gym and I am blindsided at the top of the stairs by a poor girl who is desperately in need of a good sports bra, and not the kind that you buy at Target, but this kind as shown above, a $70, no bounce, bullet proof sports bra.

This girl was maybe 25, about 30 pounds over weight, thick, but not obese, and she had some good sized jugs that looked like they were about to fly off her torso she was bouncing so badly. My jaw dropped. That is not how you treat your girls at all. It was painful to watch. She was jogging at a decent pace, but looked like a newbie to the sport. I mean she would have to be. No serious runner or jogger would let her boobs flap around like that.

I was distracted the whole time I was on the treadmill. I desperately wanted to stop her and say,
"Look I've got big boobs too and you are wrecking yours not to mention the fact that it's almost pronographic to watch you run. You need to go out and get yourself a good bra. Try Athleta, the 4 barbell bras for high impact workouts. It will be easier to run, your back won't hurt afterward, and your boobs won't be down to your knees in 5 years."

I kept practicing over and over in my head how I was goign to say it too her while I was walking. I kept hoping one of the physical therapists that own the gym was going to come out and say something to her. That's their job, right?

In the end I couldn't do it. I chickened out. My fear of being kicked out of the gym for harrasing another gym member was too overwhelming. Is there even a polite way to say that to someone else without hurting their feelings. It's almost a Dear Abby moment.

I know when I was young and had big boobs no one pulled me aside and told me that big girls can't buy bras at Target. You have to buy the expensive ones. It would have been nice to know that when I was younger. So maybe I would be doing her a favor. She might not appreciate it right away, but over time she would see the error of her ways and realize that I was only trying to help her.

Anyway I walked away and it is still bothering me. Someone has to do something to help this poor girl. If I see her again maybe I'll get up the courage or maybe just leave an Athleta catalog lying around the locker room.

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