Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Free Architecture.... Again

So I've been getting a lot of hits on my post from last year regarding Free Architecture Advice. I'm still game. I will try and respond as quickly as possible, but with all the crap going on around here. It might take a little while (sorry Melissa T.).

Now don't get too excited about what you're going to get for free. Legally there are things I can and can't give away free. Hit me with your best questions and we'll see what happens.

If it is something major like a foundation, beam, or roof issue, most likely my response is going to be call a registered architect or structural engineer in your city/state.

If it's a design issue and it doesn't involve me creating pages and pages of intricate drawings I'll throw you my best design opinion.

If you've got a question about the process of working with an architect, engineer, or your local building department, hell yeah, I'll walk you through it.

This should be fun.

I was just telling one of my out of work architect friends that with all the out of work architects we should be doing something architecture related even if we aren't getting paid for it. Of course my first option was helping to rebuild Haiti, but they aren't anywhere near rebuilding. But with all of us architects out there just chomping at the bit to do something in our field, free architecture seems the way to go.

Are we undervaluing our services? Shit yeah, but there are still people out there that need design help.

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