Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why does it smell like Band-Aids in my office?

I"m still meaning to get a new photo for the head of this blog, but damn those 40 mph winds. I couldn't even go out on the back deck if I wanted to. There is dust, birds, trash (albeit clean trash since it's recycle day) blowing around, and I'm serious when I say that the wind chill is around 30 degrees. I'm not going out there until it's sunny, 75, and the wind is under 5 mph. The windows are rattling and moaning, the chimney is howling, and there is a horrible negative pressure in the house that is popping my eardrums. Yes it's that windy. Who knew mountains are windy? Obviously not me.

So I'm still loving my new drug altered brain. I'm serious about the writing thing again and now I honestly believe that I can do it. My idea is still fabulous even though I have PMS. It still seems compeltely possible for me to get a book published. I know I've said this before, but now it seems like something I can achieve easily. I'm not talking myself out of it anymore. If I had to sum up the benefits of taking an anti-anxiety drug.... I would say that my brain doesn't talk back to me anymore. It was an unruly 14 year old girl that bitched at everything that I wanted to do. "Are you crazy?" "You are not serious are you?" "You are so not cool enough for that." And now it's a beautiful 3 year old who never throws tantrums and would do anything to make me happy...... "We're gonna do what?" "Yea! I'm so excited." "Is there going to be ice cream?"

I absolutley love it. Why does it smell like band-aids in my office? I have it all planned out. I've got a research schedule and book reading list for the rest of this month, as well as character sketches to work on. Then next month I start writing. I've already written the first three chapters. I need to plot out the rest of the book and I am good to go. I will write all summer and then edit and rewrite in the fall when the kids go back to school.

Since we are still low on funds my rugs will move to the back burner. Once I finish the purple one in the studio I'm going to take it around to some local consignment galleries here and in Sedona and see what happens. If and when it sells, I'll get started on a new one and keep going until I have enough funds to launch bigger. But in the meantime I am going to focus on writing and just work on the rugs as a creative outlet.

I've got a plan! Life is good and it still smells like Band-Aids.

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