Thursday, May 27, 2010


Yes I know I post all the juicy details of my life here, but why? Why do I do it?

Sometimes I even ask myself that question. Who likes to talk about their mental illness? Who likes to talk about their financial status? Especially when it is in or near the toilet?

These are things that fascinate me. That's why I talk about them. If I could find other people who talk about the same things I do here, I would read that blog religiously. But not to many people want to share their dirty little secrets. And that is literally what these things are to some people.

Will I ever run for political office? Will I ever need to hide the skeletons in my closet? Probably not. So I don't see a reason to keep all this juicy info to myself.

If I can help one other person to realize that they are not alone then I'm doing some good here. A loan modification should not be embarrassing. It should be liberating. And watching me diagnose and then treat my mental illness is fascinating. We all have issues and if more of us talked about it maybe some of us wouldn't feel so alone.

I can look around in the afternoon at school pick-up and think that all the other mothers are perfect. They have good jobs, never feed their kids frozen food, read stories every night to their children, pay all their bills on time, get 8 hours of sleep a night, never fight with their husbands, and always volunteer for school activities, or I can realize that is not possible. They all have their issues too, they just keep them to themselves.

That's why I write here. It's supposed to be too much information.

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